Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Its been a long time

I hope that you and your family had relaxing Winter Break.  We came back form the break and hit the ground running.

First Grade
We have completed the SCAMPER Unit and now are working on applying what we learned to new situations.  This is challenging each child to look at things from a different angle.  Your child has created a new page for the book Ten Black Dots and we are now working on 100 Hungry Ants, where the students will be working with grouping.

Second Grade
Coding continues
I have purchased several different items that can be coded.  I am enjoying seeing each student use what they have learned in code studio and apply the skills to new situations.

Third Grade
Genius Hour-We just had pitch day.  This was an opportunity for each student to present their Genius Hour Project to the class.  Now it is time to research and then share out their finding.  We will be having a Genius Hour showcase at the conclusion of this unit.

Fourth Grade
Robotics- your student has built a Lego robot and is in the process of programming their robot to complete several challenges.  Each group is realizing the importance of logging their steps and then troubleshooting.

Fifth Grade
Stock Market- Are you a Risky or Safe Investor????? Do you believe in go BIG or GO HOME?
Your child is learning all about the Stock Market and the advantages and disadvantages of risky investment.  The students will be participating in the Stock Market Game that will begin on February 6.  Stay turned to see if your child's group is in the black or RED.

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