Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Referral Deadline Approaching

If you would like to have your child assessed for PACE, Plano ISD’s Gifted and Talented program, please complete and return a referral packet to Mrs. Jones by 3:00 PM on Wednesday, December 7.  Packets and additional information can be found at the following website:  Feel free to either email the completed packet to Mrs. Jones or return a hard copy.  Questions?  Please contact Kaya Jones, Christie PACE teacher, at

Monday, November 21, 2016

Friday, November 11, 2016

PACE deadline

The PACE deadline is approaching fast.  Please turn in all referrals by December 7, 2016.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Engineering Expo

Check out #christielearns on Twitter to see some amazing engineering that took place this week at Christie.

*PACE referral packets are due December 7, 2016.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Engineering Expo is Coming?

Calling all Parents, friends and family to join us on November 4, 2016 to celebrate creativity.  Engineering Expo is an opportunity for our students to drive and show us what they can design when they are given the time.  Please check back to look for pictures and videos of their progress in action.

Engineering Expo is Coming?

Calling all Parents, friends and family to join us on November 4, 2016 to celebrate creativity.  Engineering Expo is an opportunity for our students to drive and show us what they can design when they are given the time.  Please check back to look for pictures and videos of their progress in action.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Creating a with Lego- 4th Grade

Fourth Grade in-class lesson using Lego.  The students were challenged to create a place that they  could live in Texas and describe the environment.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Coding with the Dallas Sidekicks

Thank you PTA for bringing this amazing program to our school.

Christie Elementary wellness program

Dear Parents-
This year Christie Elementary has the opportunity to win some amazing prizes for our wellness program.  Anyone in our community can click on the link below and enter for a chance to win a $30,000 grant for our school's healthy transformation AND a new playground.  While there are other prizes available, this would clearly be an amazing opportunity of our kids!  The sweepstakes runs until March 24, 2017 which is a very long time.  Please set your alarm on your phone or post a sticky note on the fridge to log on each day and vote.  Also, feel free to share with family and friends to help increase our voting numbers.  Thank you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Seesaw App

SeeSaw App
This year I am trying out an App called Seasaw.  I can use this app to post pictures, videos and audio of what your child is doing in PACE.  Please use the QR code from your child's grade level to access the correct account.
I hope that you find this a useful tool.
Download -

Scan QR code from your child's grade level

 1st grade is first and 5th is last

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What is going on in PACE?
PACE is a pull-out program where your child leaves their classroom for 2-3 hours a week.  Many activities do not have a product that is completed in one session, so what are we doing?  Below I am going to outline what each grade level will be learning about as well as some of the learning targets that go with that unit. 
I hope that you will find this information useful and it might just be what you talk about at the dinner table:).
First Grade

Think About it More
This unit is designed to introduce first grade PACE students to creative thinking techniques and logical thinking. Logical thinking skills such as deduction, comparing, ordering, and drawing conclusions will be introduced through different types of logic problems. 
Students will uses advanced higher order thinking and problem solving skills to complete challenges. 

Second Grade

The second grade introductory unit on coding asks students to explore the logic of coding and the importance of this skill in a world that increasingly relies on technology. Students will move through basic coding patterns and apply this knowledge to problem solving. Students will use their learning to  understand and explain the importance of computer coding,  diagnose and solve problems using logical reasoning,  create products using computer coding skills.  We will be using code studio in class and students can access at home (with parent permission).
Students will be able to independently use their learning to understand and explain the importance of computer coding, diagnose and solve problems using logical reasoning, and create innovative products from newly acquired coding skills.


Third Grade

Genius Hour
Students will be able to independently use their learning to develop guiding questions that lead to meaningful research and synthesize information into an effective presentation.  Throughout this unit, we will be exploring what good research looks like.  How do you use someone else's ideas and give them credit.  This unit is critical for their success in Middle School PACE and their lives after high school.
Students will understand that curiosity is a lifelong driving force for learning and discovery, research is a process that impacts the future, reading strategies are important to comprehending texts and most importantly that academic integrity is vital to valid research.
Fourth Grade

Students will research what traits make a good leader.  Are you born with these traits or can you be taught how to be a good leader.  Students will identify leaders in the world and rank qualities of good leadership. 

Fifth Grade 

Students will become familiar with the First and Fourth Amendments to the
U. S. Constitution. The students will review cases, both fictional and factual, that relate to these amendments. The students will justify opposing points of view, identify facts, interpret documents, and support arguments for both sides of an issue.
We kicked off this unit with a discussion of what are Human Rights?  I had the students think about what does human rights really mean.  This was a challenge for most of the groups.  They included items like unlimited amounts of money or a pet panda as one of the top human rights. After a discussion about what human right really means, I was impressed with how they fought(respectfully) with one another to get their point across.  I think that they are really going to get into this Law unit.

Students will uses advanced higher order thinking and problem solving skills to debate their point-of-view.

I look forward to working with you throughout the school year. 
Mrs. Jones

Friday, August 26, 2016

What a Week!

It was so nice to welcome students back to school this week.  I love this new role that I am in.
This week, I met with all Math Rocks students as well as all the GT students.  Each child was given a note to take home, that had their PACE time on it.  I look forward to getting to meet each family that has a child in PACE and partnering with you in your child's education. 

Mrs. Jones

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Career Day

The students had a very informative morning.
They heard from a judge, police officer and made ice cream.
Thank you to Mr. Ramos for planning this day.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

What a week

Your child has worked hard this week. I hope that each one has a relaxing weekend. Going and enjoy the outdoors!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Summer School


PEP Summer School

It’s a Blast!




Registration is currently underway for the Plano Enrichment Program (PEP I). 

PEP I is housed at Memorial Elementary School and 

Bowman Middle School.

The PEP I program offers a variety of enrichment as well as review courses for Kindergarteners to Fifth Graders in a safe, caring, and fun environment. 

We offer something for everyone!

STEM, Art, Acting, Sports– we have it all. 


The program dates are June 8- June 30, Monday-Friday.

Tuition is $150 for one two- hour course; $300 for our half-day program consisting of two courses. 

PEP I Program hours are 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


 We’ll do the driving for you. Free PISD school bus transportation is offered to and from your home school campus to our PEP I summer school site.


Students may be enrolled through the Parent Portal or by completing the attached registration forms.


For more information please visit us our website:, or

call 469-752-8003. Come join the fun at PEP!








Escuela de verano PEP I

iEs muy divertido!



La matrícula se está llevando a cabo en estosmomentos para el programa de enriquecimientoacadémico de Plano (PEP I)

PEP I este año será en las escuela Elemental Memorial y Escuela Intermedia Bowman.

El programa PEP ofrece una variedad de programas de enriquecimiento así como también esun repaso para los estudiantes de kindergarten a 5to grado en un ambiente seguroatento y divertido.


iOfrecemos algo para cada estudiante!

STEM, Arte, BaileDeportes- ¡lo tenemos todo!


La fecha del programa es del 8 de junio al 30 de junio de lunes a viernes.

La matrícula es de $150.00 por cada curso de dos horas y $300.00 por 2 cursos o por medio dia. El programa PEP I es de 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m.

No se preocupe por la transportaciónLos autobuses de PISD transportarán a todos los estudiantes gratuitamente desde su escuela hogar.


Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse a través del Portal de Padres o completando los formularios de inscripción adjuntos .

Para mas informacion por favor comuníquese con nosotros a través de nuestra página web  o llámenos al 469-752-8003Venga y Ãºnase a la diversión de PEP!


Friday, April 8, 2016

Have you tried cricket flour?

Ask your child about these yummy cricket items that they created.
Have an amazing weekend.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open House

Thank you to all the parents that came out to support their child at Open House.
I enjoyed seeing you all.
I hope that you all had a wonderful week off.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning.

Upcoming events:
Reading and Math STAAR are in two weeks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Today we participated in Christie Read Aloud Day.  The story that we read was Enemy Pie by Derek Munson.  We were able to Tweet out our responses.  The best part was the quizizz that we did after we finished reading the book.

Thursday, February 4, 2016



All 5th grade students will participate in state mandated scoliosis screening tomorrow.  Look for the notice coming home with your student.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Exploring with our new materials from our grant


The students had a great time today at Carpenter.
The band, choir and orchestra did an outstanding job.
I can't wait to hear which one they will choose. I have two band kids that went through the program over there, so I am a tab bit partial to one of them. 
Please talk to your child about their selection over the weekend.
Enjoy your weekend and spend some time outside because it is going to be BEAUTIFUL!